Tuesday, November 25, 2008


A- pie r2

B- 4r2

C- 4r2 pie r2

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gas Prices.... Part 2 !!!

Miss Slawinski and I carpool when we can to save on gas. (I like to make her drive in the winter because I get so nervous in the snow!) Every time, we get off the freeway and drive past the BP on Rt. 306 - I get excited because gas prices have fallen... a lot! Check out the article below.http://money.cnn.com/2008/11/12/news/economy/_prices/index.htm?postversion=2008111209One of your first posts were about filling your gas tank. Now, with the new gas price in the article, find how much it would cost to fill your tank. Find the difference between what you would have paid a month ago to now. One more thing - find me the lowest local gas price in Lake County!Part Two: The ReasonNow, although I actually don't mind filling my 12 gallon tank for $1.94 a gallon, I read the article below to learn more about why gas prices are falling. Check it out, especially paragraph 4. Write a paragraph about this article and what you learned.http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1850413,00.html?iid=sphere-inline-sidebar ----------------------- I with the crazy gas prices fluctuating, I was curious to see how much gas would cost me, even at its lowest price. So, I used this equation to figure it out: 350 miles a week/29.5mpg x $1.73 =$ 20.53!!! Compared to the $50.40 that i t would have cost before, when gas was around $4.00!!! Just in a few months, I saved $29. 87 dollars!! WOW thats a lot of cash!! THEN...... The lowest gas price that I found in Lake County

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hi Guys-So, polynomials - what are they and why the heck are you learning about them? Well, here are some links I found to help you understand polynomials. This is a big unit in Algebra so it's better to embrace learning about them than struggling all the way through! :) For this assignment #8, watch the video, click on the links and explore the websites. Then, POST about something new you learned AND something that is now clearer for you. After you have posted, leave me a comment on this assignment so I know you are done! :)
http://www.regentsprep.org/regents/math/math-topic.cfm?TopicCode=polyadd-Click on the different lessons. In one part- they explain about algebra tiles. We will be using those this week!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynomial-This one is for you, Nick!http://www.purplemath.com/modules/polydefs.htmhttp://www.algebra-online.com/multiplying-monomials-1.htm

Something new that I have learned from using polynomials is that negative exponents cannot be polynomial terms, well part of a polynomial term. Something that is now clearer to me is multiplying polynomials vertically and horizontally. I feel that I am really catching up!!